Sunday 20 June 2010

Baby Boy Name Of The Day.

Gender: Unisex
Pronunciation: KEER-REN
Meaning: 'Black'
Origin: Irish & Gaelic
The name Kieran is a unisex name, many people however just consider it as a 'male' name but it actually is a unisex name which means it can be used for either a girl or boy, but today I am reviewing the name Kieran for the use of a boy. The name Kieran means 'black' which in particular isn't a very important meaning which isn't relevant to the name choice in most cases. Kieran is of Gaelic and Irish origin. Irish is a very rich culture with strong beleifs in many areas. Irish is a goidelic language of the Indo-European language family, originating in Ireland and historically spoken by the Irish people, spoken as a first language in a small minority of Irish people. This adds history to the name but also makes it modern in some sense as the language is still spoken today. Gaelic however is a strong, rich and full language spoken originally by the Gaels. It is a linguistic group that is one of two Celtic languages. People may name their sons Kieran because of many things, one may be just because of the sound of the name, others may be because they want to name their son after someone famous i.e the sixth century Saint Kieran who was widly known for his genorosity, which makes the name ancient with historical meaning. Also parent's may name their son after Kieran Culkin, a famous actor. Kieran is generally an uncommon name according to the census. The first recording for Kieran in the top 1000 was in 1992 and since generally increased but still remains quite popular in the UK.
Other variants of Kieran:
  • Keiran
  • Ciaran
  • Keiron
  • Kieren
  • Keiren
  • Kieron
  • Kierren
  • Kierrin
  • Kierron
  • Kyran

Similiar names to Kieran:

  • Kernan
  • Kiran
  • Kanon
  • Kayden
  • Kairen
  • Connor

Nicknames for the name Kieran:

  • K
  • Keer
  • KK
  • Ki

Middle names that go well with the name Kieran:

  • Kieran James
  • Kieran Thomas
  • Kieran Luke
  • Kieran Joel

Overall I think the name Kieran on a boy is sweet, cute and just plain nice. However I think the name Kieran is a little popular now days but on the other hand it is a historical name with a lovely sound to it. Kieran is a sophisticated name with many spelling variations which makes the name different from other Kierans. I give the name Kieran a seven out of ten.

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