Friday 25 June 2010

Poll Winner!

This week's poll winner for Your Favorite Baby Girl Name Out Of The Four is... NATALIE! with an overall of 10 votes which equaled 43%

In second place with 9 votes (a very close second) and a percentage of 39% is...Holly!

Third place with 3 votes and a percentage of 13% is...Georgia!

And finally fourth place with only one vote and a percentage of 4% is...Yasmine!

So Natalie is our winner this week.

Keep voting on my new poll!

Baby Girl Name Of The Day.

Gender: Female
Pronunciation: NEL-EE
Meaning: 'Light'
Origin: English

The name Nelly is a feminine name which means 'Light' this is a one worded meaning, which quite a few people like. Nelly is of English origin which makes the name important to that area but also adds history to it. The name Nelly is a short form of the Greek names Helen and Eleanor which also gives history to the name and yet more geography. Nellie Melba is an opera singer which may influence some people to use the name Nelly. Also Nelly is seen to be a unique name which also may be why some people use it. Nelly is quite a common name for women in the US however ranking #1009 out of 4276. The name Nelly was first recorded in the top 1000 in 1880 but it's fame only lasted a year as it dropped out of the top 1000 before returning in 1940 and increasing between then and 1950 before decreasing once more and fell completely out in 1960 and has never returned.

Other variants of the name Nelly:

  • Nellie
  • Nellee
  • Nelley
  • Nelle
  • Nelli
  • Neli

Similiar names to Nelly:

  • Nellwyn
  • Cornelia
  • Nellsey
  • Neely
  • Nellenne
  • Nella
  • Nelida

Nicknames for Nelly;

  • Nell
  • Nell Nell
  • N
  • Ne
  • Le
  • Lele

Overall I think the name Nelly is a cute name but I can only see it being best suited on certain ethnicities and races. I think Nelly is a unique and under used name but I do see it as more of a pet name. Overall I give the name Nelly a 5 out of 10.

Baby Boy Name Of The Day.

Gender: Male
Pronunciation: ASH-ER
Meaning: 'Happy'
Origin: Hebrew

The baby boy name Asher is of Hebrew origin which gives the name Religious importance. Hebrew is considered the Jewish language and so this may influence Jews to name their son Asher. Asher means Happy which is a nice meaning as most parents want their sons to be happy and lead a happy life. Asher now days is considered unisex but it is in fact only masculine, people see this trend of using male names on girls tacky and silly which may pull them away from using the name Asher, however some people do like this trend. Asher has also Christian importance as it is used in the Bible; Asher, the eighth son of Jacob, was promised a life blessed with abundance. The name Asher was bought to England by the Puritans; English-Speaking protestants of the 16th century, this too adds to the Religious meaning of the name. Asher wasn't in the top 1000 untill 1992 and has stayed there up until now increasing significently between 1992 and 2007.

Other variants of Asher:

  • Ashur
  • Assher
  • Asherr
  • Ashar

Similiar Names to Asher:

  • Osher
  • Ashley
  • Ashton
  • Usher
  • Asherton

Nicknames for Asher:

  • Ash
  • Sher

Middle names that go well with Asher:

  • Asher James
  • Asher Mitchell
  • Asher Luke
  • Asher John

Overall I think the name Asher is a cute, unique name. I don't see Asher to be a very popular name and is similiar to the popular name Ashley. However I wouldn't use the name Asher personnally but I think it is a lovely name that ages well. I give the name Asher a six out of ten.

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Y!A Favorite Baby Girl Name Of The Month.

Gender: Female
Pronunciation: AH-MEE-LEE-AH
Meaning: 'Industrious, Striving' & 'Work'
Origin: Latin & Old German

Amelia is Y!A's favourite baby girl name of the month. Amelia is a female name meaning 'Industrious, striving' and 'Work' these meanings are invaluble to the name. Amelia is of Old German and Latin origin which gives it history from two different areas and also makes the name rich and full. Amelia is a blend of two medieval names; the Latin name Emilia and Old German name Amalia. A 18th Century, Princess Amelia brought the name to England. The author Henry Fielding may also have spread the name Amelia by his novel 'Amelia' (1751). People may like the name Amelia just for it's sound or may wish to honor someone in the past by using the name Amelia, in whatever way it is used Amelia is commonly looked upon to be an old fashioned name to have a lot of history behind it. Amelia is a very common name for women in the US ranking #331 out of 4276. Amelia, in 1880 was close to the top in the top 1000, but downfalled between 1890 and 1970 but between 1970 and 1991 increased and has since remained rather even throughout the years.

Other Variants of Amelia:

  • Ameliah
  • Aemelia
  • Amilia
  • Amiliya

Similar names to the name Amelia:

  • Amiliona
  • Amalea
  • Amalee
  • Amaleta
  • Amalija
  • Amalina
  • Amaline
  • Amalita
  • Amaliya
  • Amalya
  • Amalyna
  • Amalyne
  • Amelie
  • Amy
  • Delia
  • Emeline
  • Malia
  • Milly
  • Jamilia

Nicknames for Amelia:

  • Ammy
  • Milly
  • Melia
  • Me
  • Lia
  • Mel

Middle names that go well with Amelia:

  • Amelia Rose
  • Amelia Grace
  • Amelia Elizabeth
  • Amelia Camille

Overall the name Amelia has no importance to me and I don't really care for it but however Amelia is a classy, aged name but still ages well. I don't hate Amelia but I don't love it I give the name Amelia a five out of ten.

Y!A Favorite Baby Boy Name Of The Month.

Gender: Male
Pronunciation: LU-CUS
Meaning: 'From Lucanus'
Origin: Greek

The baby boy name Lucas is the male favorite name of yahoo answers. Lucas is a boy name and is a variant of Luke. Lucas means 'From Lucanus' this meaning doesn't really mean anything important. Lucas is of Greek origin which adds great historical meaning to the name. Lucas is a very popular name in Germany. People who like the name Lucas may be influenced by the film director George Lucas, it has been proven that over 400 people who have named their son Lucas have been influenced to by George Lucas. Also they may be influenced to use Lucas after the actor Lukas Haas. The name Lucas is a very common first name for males in the US ranking #381 out of 1220. The name Lucas first appeared in the top 1000 in 1880 and increased slightly in 1890 before it completely fell out in 1900, however it appeared again in 1920 but decreased in 1930 before once again dropping completely out. Lucas appeared once more in 1960 and increased massivly between 1960 and 1990 and since then has sat very evenly in it's yearly rankings remaining quite close to the top.

Other variants of Lucas:

  • Lukas
  • Loukas
  • Loucas

Similar names to Lucas:

  • Luke
  • Luqus
  • Lexo
  • Lex

Nicknames for Lucas:

  • Luke
  • Lucky
  • Lu
  • Cus

Middle Names That Go Well With Lucas:

  • Lucas James
  • Lucas Mark
  • Lucas Robert
  • Lucas Juan

Overall I think the name Lucas is a name in which moves well with society but I don't like the name. It is a variant of a popular name with no particular meaning and doesn't really mean anything to me as a idividual. I give the name Lucas a three out of ten.

Sunday 20 June 2010

Baby Girl Name Of The Day.

Gender: Female
Pronunciation: BREN-NAH
Meaning: 'Little drop of water', 'Raven', 'Black-Haired'
Origin: Gaelic

Brenna is a female name which means 'Little drop of water', in some sense this is a sweet meaning as water is important for our survival which adds importance to the name. However the other meanings are irrelavent. Brenna is of Gaelic origin which as I have said in previous reviews is a rich, full and influenced language and culture. Brenna is a modern form of the male name Brennan and is influenced by the female name Brianna, this making the name seperate but still part of a more popular name which may be why some people use the name Brenna for their daughter. Brenna also sounds very feminine and elegant which may also influence people to use the name. Brenna is a common first name for women ranking #1281 out of 4276. Brenna first entered the top 1000 girl names in 1970 and increased massivly up until 1995 and since then it has decreased ever so slightly each year.

Other variants of Brenna:

  • Brena
  • Brennah
  • Brenah

Similar names to Brenna:

  • Brianna
  • Breena
  • Breonna
  • Breina
  • Brienna

Nicknames for the name Brenna:

  • Bren
  • B
  • BB
  • Bree

Middle names that go well with the name Brenna:

  • Brenna Louise
  • Brenna Grace
  • Brenna May
  • Brenna Jade

Overall I think the name Brenna is a modern twist on the more popular name Brianna, it is clear from records that the name hasn't been around very long. I see the name Brenna to be sweet yet classy and I also think that the name Brenna ages well. I give the name Brenna a five out of ten.

Baby Boy Name Of The Day.

Gender: Unisex
Pronunciation: KEER-REN
Meaning: 'Black'
Origin: Irish & Gaelic
The name Kieran is a unisex name, many people however just consider it as a 'male' name but it actually is a unisex name which means it can be used for either a girl or boy, but today I am reviewing the name Kieran for the use of a boy. The name Kieran means 'black' which in particular isn't a very important meaning which isn't relevant to the name choice in most cases. Kieran is of Gaelic and Irish origin. Irish is a very rich culture with strong beleifs in many areas. Irish is a goidelic language of the Indo-European language family, originating in Ireland and historically spoken by the Irish people, spoken as a first language in a small minority of Irish people. This adds history to the name but also makes it modern in some sense as the language is still spoken today. Gaelic however is a strong, rich and full language spoken originally by the Gaels. It is a linguistic group that is one of two Celtic languages. People may name their sons Kieran because of many things, one may be just because of the sound of the name, others may be because they want to name their son after someone famous i.e the sixth century Saint Kieran who was widly known for his genorosity, which makes the name ancient with historical meaning. Also parent's may name their son after Kieran Culkin, a famous actor. Kieran is generally an uncommon name according to the census. The first recording for Kieran in the top 1000 was in 1992 and since generally increased but still remains quite popular in the UK.
Other variants of Kieran:
  • Keiran
  • Ciaran
  • Keiron
  • Kieren
  • Keiren
  • Kieron
  • Kierren
  • Kierrin
  • Kierron
  • Kyran

Similiar names to Kieran:

  • Kernan
  • Kiran
  • Kanon
  • Kayden
  • Kairen
  • Connor

Nicknames for the name Kieran:

  • K
  • Keer
  • KK
  • Ki

Middle names that go well with the name Kieran:

  • Kieran James
  • Kieran Thomas
  • Kieran Luke
  • Kieran Joel

Overall I think the name Kieran on a boy is sweet, cute and just plain nice. However I think the name Kieran is a little popular now days but on the other hand it is a historical name with a lovely sound to it. Kieran is a sophisticated name with many spelling variations which makes the name different from other Kierans. I give the name Kieran a seven out of ten.

Saturday 19 June 2010

Baby Girl Name Of The Day.

Gender: Female
Pronunciation: EL-AH
Meaning: 'Other' and 'Foreign'
Origin: Old German

The name Ella is a female name which means 'Other' and 'Foreign', these meanings are not important to the name as they mean nothing in particular, however the name Ella may also mean 'entire' (Hebrew) or 'Goddess', which adds mystery to the name as noone is sure if those are meanings of Ella. The meaning 'Goddess' adds femininity to the name and also adds elegance which means the name would not be suitable on a boy. Ella is of Old German origin which refers to the very beginning of the German language which adds history to the name. Old German covers the period of 500 to around 1050, this too adds mystery to the name as written scriptures or records did not appear until the second half of the eigth century, which makes the name Ella older than writing itself. Ella is a short form of; Alice, Eleanor, Ellen and Elvira, this gives the name individuality in some sense as the name varies from others. Elle is a variant of Ella that was made familiar by Supermodel Elle MacPherson. People may be influenced to use the name Ella for their child after the singer Ella Fitzgerald. Also parents may be drawn to the use of Ella by its incredible feminine, elegant, short sound. Ella was first recorded in the top 1000 in 1800 and was very close to the number one spot, but decreased in popularity hugely between 1940 and 1991, but then it had a huge increase and has never since downfalled and now stands at #19 in the top 1000 baby girl names of 2010, which makes the ancient, feminine name mildly popular.

Other variants of the name Ella:

  • Ela
  • Ellah
  • Elah
  • Eller
  • Eler

Similar names to Ella: (Way to many to name but here's a few anyway)

  • Alla
  • Elladine
  • Ellie
  • Elle
  • Ellesse
  • Elletta
  • Ellette
  • Ellia
  • Ellina
  • Luella
  • Myrella
  • Isabella
  • Annabella
  • Rella
  • Helen
  • Eila
  • Olla
  • Eula
  • Illa
  • Ulla

Nicknames for Ella:

  • Ell
  • La
  • Lala
  • El El

Middle names that go well with Ella:

  • Ella May
  • Ella Grace
  • Ella Faith
  • Ella Rose

Overall I think the name Ella is a beautiful, name with alot of meaning behind it. I think it is seen as a 'trendy' name but once you have studied the name in depth and found out the true meaning it becomes a lovely, ancient name, with a lot of similar names which gives uniqueness to it. I give the name Ella a seven out of ten, five for the actual name and two points added for the meaning and history.

Baby Boy Name Of The Day.

Gender: Male
Pronunciation: EE-THAN
Meaning: 'Firmness' & 'Long-Lived'
Origin: Hebrew

The male name Ethan means 'Firmness' and 'Long-lived' which in some sense is a ok meaning as it doesn't mean anything valuble but doesn't mean anything awful, as most people want their children to live long. Ethan is of Hebrew meaning, Hebrew being a Jewish language which gives the name religious importance which may be why a Jewish person would name their son Ethan. A form of Ethan is Eitan which is biblical: A man of Israel noted for his wisdom. Also people who are supporters of War may use the name Ethan for their son after the the American Patriot, Ethan Allen who was a famous Revolutinary War Leader. Other people may name their son Ethan after the famous actor Ethan Hawke. Ethan is a very common first name for men in the US ranking #528 out of 1220. Ethan was first in the top 1000 in 1800 but only lasted a year before falling out. Then in 1950 came back and increased in popularity massivly between 1950 and 1990 and has remained in the top 1000 since then, very close to the top increasing slightly each year but remains evenly along that period. The name Ethan today ranks #3 in the top 1000 baby boy names of 2010, which makes the name extremely popular, this may put people off the name Ethan as they don't like common names.

Other variants of the name Ethan:

  • Ethen
  • Ethun
  • Ethann
  • Ethenn
  • Ethunn

Similar names to Ethan:

  • Eitan
  • Aitan
  • Eten
  • Athan
  • Eidan
  • Edan
  • Eton
  • Nathan

Nicknames for Ethan:

  • Eeth
  • Than
  • Eeethy

Middle names that go well with Ethan:

  • Ethan Michael
  • Ethan Joel
  • Ethan Cole
  • Ethan Westley

Overall I think the name Ethan is too popular these days but non-the-less is a strong, soft sounding baby boy name that ages well with our society. I see the name Ethan as a religous name but with modern traits also which adds balance to the name. I think many people name their sons Ethan because they like the sound to the name. I don't particulary like Ethan but I definatly don't hate it. I give the name Ethan a five out of ten.

Friday 18 June 2010

Baby Girl Name Of The Day.

Gender: Female
Pronunciation: SO-FEE-AH
Meaning: 'Wisdom'
Origin: Greek
The female name Sophia means 'wisdom' which is a strong meaning as wisdom is considered to be a gift of general knowledge and importance. The origin of Sophia is Greek which gives the name great history and culture, the Greek language is an independent branch of the Indo-European family of languages which gives the name individuality in some sense. The name Sophia has been used in English-speaking countries since the early 17th century. Also the famous Istanbul mosque Hagia Sofia was once a Christian church which adds great religous meaning and history to the name which may influence some Christians to name their daughter Sophia. Sophie is the french form of Sophia which too adds a lot of meaning and importance to the name. Sophia is also considered an elegant, feminine name which also may attract parents to the name. People may also a name their daughter after Sophia after the actress Sophia Loren. The name Sophia is a very common name amongst females in the US ranking #441 out of 4276. The name Sophia was very popular in 1800 according to the rankings but between 1910 and 1940 it had a massice decrease in popularity but picked up again in 1950 and since then has summited massivley getting closer to the top each year, today the name Sophia still ranks very high and hasn't decreased since 2001.
Other variants of Sophia:
  • Sofia
  • Sofya
  • Soffia
  • Sophya

Similar names to Sophia:

  • Sophie
  • Saffi
  • Soficita
  • Sofka
  • Sonia
  • Sonja
  • Sonnie
  • Zofia
  • Zofy
  • Zosia

Nicknames for Sophia:

  • Sophie
  • Sofe
  • Fia
  • Fe
  • Fefe
  • So
  • Soso

Middle names that go well with Sophia:

  • Sophia Marie
  • Sophia Jane
  • Sophia Grace
  • Sophia Charlotte

Overall I think that Sophia is a beautiful female name. I consider it to be overly popular but non the less elegant with a lot of meaningful history and culture to it. I love the soft, feminine sound to the name and see it as being a classy name that ages incredibly well. I give the name Sophia a rating of eight out of ten.

Baby Boy Name Of The Day.

Gender: Male
Pronunciation: GAY-BREE-UL
Meaning: 'God's able-bodied one; Hero of God'
Origin: Hebrew
The name Gabriel is a male name which means 'God's able-bodied one' Able bodied meaning, physically fit and strong. The name also means 'Hero of God' which is a strong and valuble meaning to Christians which may influence Christian followers to name their son Gabriel. Christians may also name their son Gabriel after the angel Gabriel, which is the only archangel other than Angel Michael named in the canonical scriptures of the bible. The origin of the name Gabriel is Hebrew, Hebrew being a Semitic language of the Afro-Asiatic language family, culturally, Hebrew is considered the Jewish language, this gives the name Gabriel religous importance, but also a little history and moral behind the name. Gavriel is a Jewish variant of the name Gabriel and is popular in Russia. People may also name their son Gabriel after the actor Gabriel Byrne or if they are football fans may name their child after the footballer Roman Gabriel. Their is also a famous musician named Peter Gabriel which also may have an effect of parent's using the name Gabriel. Gabriel is a popular first name for men in the US ranking #220 out of 1220. It is also a very common last name ranking #1509 out of 88779. The name Gabriel was first recorded in the top 1000 baby boy names in 1800 and increased up until 1920 when it decreased slightly but between 1940 and 1970 had a massive increase in it's popularity. Between 1970 and now the name Gabriel has increased in popularity ever so slightly but is fairly even in it's yearly rankings.
Other variants of the name Gabriel:
  • Gaybriel
  • Gabbriel
  • Gabriele

Similiar names to Gabriel:

  • Gabbi
  • Gabe
  • Gabrian
  • Gabrielli
  • Gabriello
  • Gavriel
  • Gavril
  • Gavrilo
  • Gable

Nicknames for the name Gabriel:

  • Gabe
  • Gab
  • Gabbi
  • Bre
  • Gabri
  • El

Middle names that go well with Gabriel:

  • Gabriel James
  • Gabriel John
  • Gabriel Luke
  • Gabriel Lucas

Overall I consider the name Gabriel to have significent religious importance, and looked upon to be a common name, however I see the name Gabriel as being a 'normal' gender leniant name. Gabriel also has a valuble meaning even to those who arn't religous as it transfers into meaning 'physically fit and strong' or 'healthy' this is a good meaning as every parent wants their child to be healthy. However I don't particulary like Gabriel but I do like the female version; Gabrielle. I give the name Gabriel a five out of ten, four for the name itself and I added an extra point for the meaning.

Thursday 17 June 2010

Baby Girl Name Of The Day.

Gender: Female
Pronunciation: AN-JELL-I-CAH
Meaning: 'Angelic'
Origin: Latin

The name Angelica is a female name which means 'Angelic', this meaning is a lovely meaning and adds valuble elegance to the name making it very feminine. The name Angelica elaborates from the latin name Angela. Angelique is a French form of Angelica and Anjelika is the Russian form, which also adds to the names uniqueness which is why some people like it. Other people may like it because of it's femininity and elegance, as the name isn't considered unisex in any manner. Like I've said in previous reviews the origin of the name; latin is a strong and rich language that has a lot of history behind it which too adds to the valuble meaning of the name Angelica. The name Angelica is a very common first name for women in the US ranking #390 out of 4276. 1920 was when Angelica was first in the top 1000 but downfalled until 1942 when it completely dropped out the top 1000. However in 1960 Angelica came back into the top 1000 and increased in popularity massivly, then between 1992 and 2003 the name evened out with no massive increase or decrease. But since 2003 the name has very slowly began to fall in popularity.

Other variants of Angelica:

  • Anjelika
  • Angelika
  • Anjelica
  • Angellica
  • Angellika

Similiar names to Angelica:

  • Angelina
  • Angelita
  • Angelia
  • Angelique
  • Angyalka
  • Angela

Nicknames for the name Angelica:

  • Angel
  • Gel
  • Ange
  • Angie
  • Anna
  • Leeca

Middle names that go well with Angelica:

  • Angelica Grace
  • Angelica Nicole
  • Angelica Megan
  • Angelica Marie

Overall to me the name Angelica is a beautifully elegant name. I don't see the name Angelica as being common but it isn't unknown either. I think the name Angelica ages incredibly well and has dignity and a lovely meaning to the name. I give the name Angelica a seven out of ten.

Baby Boy Name Of The Day.

Gender: Male
Pronunciation: HUD-SUN
Meaning: 'Son of Hugh'
Origin: Old English

The baby boy name Hudson is of Old English origin with the meaning; 'Son Of Hugh', the meaning in particular isn't a strong meaning and doesn't actually mean anything worthy. Now days the name Hudson can be seen as a 'trendy' name and some people don't like it as it's the name of a river in New York, this is because some people don't like children with place, or landmark names as they see a name as being individual or they see names for people and names for places and landmarks having their own set. Some people may not like the name Hudson as it's quite a common surname and again some people tend to not like this trend. However Henry Hudson was the first european explorer to visit the Hudson river, which he found looking for a north west passage to India. He also sailed into Hudson Bay in Canada on a later voyage. The name Hudson is an uncommon first name for males in the US and Canada, however it is a very common last name ranking #162 out of 88799. The popularity of the name Hudson however has had it's ups and downs, first appearing in the top 1000 in 1880 very close to the bottom, then fell out of the top 1000 again in 1890 before coming in again in 1910 however this didn't even last a year as it too fell out again in 1911. It appeared once again in 1996 and ever since then the name Hudson has slowly increased.

Other variants of the name Hudson:

  • Hudsen
  • Huddson
  • Huddsen
  • Hudsun
  • Hoodson
  • Hoodsen
  • Hoodsun

Similar names to the name Hudson:

  • Judson
  • Hanson
  • Edson
  • Hedeon
  • Hadon
  • Haddon
  • Hewson
  • Hobson
  • Hodgson
  • Hutton
  • Judsen

Nicknames for the name Hudson:

  • Hud
  • Hudder
  • Son
  • Sonny
  • Huddy

Middle names that go well with Hudson:

  • Hudson Carter
  • Hudson Matthew
  • Hudson Cole
  • Hudson James

Overall the name Hudson, in my personal opinion is a sweet name, however the name Hudson may be seen as a surname but to me I see the name Hudson as a first name and see it as a name that ages well with sophistication and class. The name Hudson would also be a unique name but it isn't too uncommon which would add that little bit of trend to the name. The meaning of the name however doesn't mean anything and is insignificent in this case. I give the name Hudson a nice and strong seven out of ten.

Wednesday 16 June 2010

Baby Girl Name Of The Day.

Gender: Female
Pronunciation: LAH-RISS-AH
Meaning: 'Cheerful' and 'Light hearted'
Origin: Latin
The name Larissa is a female name meaning 'cheerful' and 'light hearted' this is a nice meaning. The name Larissa is a variant of Lara and has roots in the female name Hilary. The name Larissa is a very popular name in Russia. Larissa is also quite a popular name in the US where it ranks #1177 out of 4276. People name their daughter's Larissa see the name as being slightly uncommon and elegant. Also the name Larissa is an extremely feminine name and couldn't be used on a boy so this too adds to the positives of the name Larissa as the child with this name would never be thought of as a boy by someone who had only seen the child's name. Larissa is of Latin origin, Latin being an italic language originally spoken in Latium and Ancient Rome, but after the Roman conquest Latin was spoken on many mediterranian islands, this gives the name Larissa a bit of a tropical twist with history behind the name also. The first recorded use of the name Larissa was in 1970 and it grew in popularity then fell drastically between 1997 and 2003 then it had a massive come back in 2004 but since then the popularity of the name Larissa has fallen over the past six years but still remains in the top 1000 names in the US.
Other variants of the name Larissa:
  • Larisa
  • Liricia
  • Lirissa
  • Lirisa
  • Larysa
  • Laryssa
  • Lorissa

Similar names to Larissa:

  • Lyris
  • Loris
  • Lyricia
  • Lauricia
  • Lyssa

Nicknames for the name Larissa:

  • Lyssa
  • Lissi
  • Lari
  • Lala

Middle names that go well with the name Larissa:

  • Larissa Nicole
  • Larissa Rose
  • Larissa Grace
  • Larissa Jane

Overall I think the name Larissa is beautiful and elegant and has a lot of history behind it, which adds valuble meaning to the name. I don't think the name Larissa is overly popular but I don't think it is 'too unique' either, which gives it balance and normality. I give the name Larissa a well deserved seven out of ten.

Baby Boy Name Of The Day.

Gender: Male
Pronunciation: KO-DEE
Meaning: 'Descendent of Cuidightheach'
Origin: Irish & Gaelic

The name Cody is a male name meaning 'Descendent of Cuidightheach', Cuidightheach was originally a byname for a helpful person. The name Cody may also mean 'Son of Oda'. The name Cody is traditionally used as a male name but in recent years the name Cody has been given to a girl aswell, some people see girls with masculine names tacky and some see it, by giving their daughter a masculine name will make her strong and independent, this isn't necerssarily true however. The name Cody may also of been spread by 'Buffalo Bill Cody' a frontier scout, showman and entrepreneur who took his Wild West show around Europe and America in the early 20th century. The first use of the name Cody on record was in the 1960's and increased greatly in popularity up untill around 2004 when it slowly began to decrease again, however for eight years from 1991 to 1999 the name Cody was very close to the number one spot on the most popular list. Cody now stands at #246 out of 1220 male names on the current register, which makes the name quite popular. The origin of Cody is Irish and Gaelic, many people love Irish names as they are unique, and the Irish are looked upon to be a very sincere and close community with high spirits in everything they do. Gaelic however is a very rich language with a very rich and full culture also. Gaelic is traditionally Scottish.
Other variants of the name Cody:
  • Codey
  • Kodey
  • Kodi
  • Kodie
  • Codie
  • Codi

Similar names to Cody:

  • Coty
  • Codell
  • Cade
  • Kade

Nicknames for the name Cody:

  • Cuddy
  • Code
  • Co
  • Coda

Middle names that go well with the name Cody:

  • Cody James
  • Cody Chase
  • Cody Matthew
  • Cody Blake

Overall I think the name Cody used in it's traditional form for a male is a sweet, gracious and loving name. I think the name Cody isn't too common and a child with the name Cody would be tender, loving and kind. Cody isn't seen to be a tacky nor trendy name as I see it as being a twist on traditional. Overall I rate the name Cody a very strong ten out of ten.

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Baby Girl Name Of The Day.

Gender: Female
Pronunciation: AH-LEE-SHA.
Meaning: 'Noble, Exalted'
Origin: Old German.
The baby girl name Alesha is of Old German origin and means: 'Noble' and 'Exalted'. Definition of Noble: having excellent moral character. Exalted means high spirted or very high spirits. Alesha is a form of Alicia which is pronounced the same and means the same thing. Alesha is a popular name and was most popular during the 1990's. Parent's may be influenced to name their child Alesha after the pop singer Alesha Dixon, some people wish to name their children after famous people or fictional characters but other despise this trend as they want their child to be individual with their own individual name. The name Alesha is a common name in the US and Canada ranking #1662 out of 4276.
Other variations of the name Alesha:
  • Alicia
  • Alecia
  • Alesia
  • Alisha
  • Alysha
  • Aleshia
  • Aleisha
  • Aleesha

Similar names to Alesha include:

  • Ayesha
  • Aiesha
  • Aletha
  • Alessa

Middle names that go well with Alesha:

  • Alesha Grace
  • Alesha Chantelle
  • Alesha Nicole
  • Alesha Jay

My overall personal opinion on the name Alesha is that it is a very feminine, classy name. However it is very popular and ten years out of date, on the other hand it is a strong, 'normal' name which has many different variations and spellings which makes the name unique in some sense. It also has quite a nice meaning. I give the name Alesha an overall rating of five out of ten.

Baby Boy Name Of The Day.

Gender: Male
Pronunciation: SEE-BAS-TEE-UN.
Meaning: 'Revered'
Origin: Greek
The name Sebastian is of Greek origin and is a very sophisticated name. The meaning of the name Sebastian is 'Revered', which means; 'to treat someone with admiring respect: to regard someone with admiration and respect. The name Sebastian has been in use in Britain since the 1940's. Sebastien (A variant of Sebastian) is also quite popular in France. Sebastian is a popular name given rated #667 in the US and Canada out of 1220 baby boy names. The name Sebastian may be influenced by a french muscian named SebastiAN, also Christians may be inspired to name their son Sebastian because of the Christian saint; Saint Sebastian. Other people who name their sons Sebastian may have been influenced to after the Indian film director and actor: Sebastian Seeman. Sebastian is also the name of a character in the well known disney film 'The Little Mermaid', this puts people off the name Sebastian as it reminds them of the character and some people don't like names that are after film characters or famous people. The name Sebastian is also a place name in Texas, US, this too puts many people of the name Sebastian as some people don't like place names on babies and children as they find it strange or tacky.
Other variations of the name Sebastian include:
  • Bastian
  • Bastien
  • Sabastian
  • Sebastiano
  • Sebastien
  • Sebastyen

Nicknames for the name Sebastian include:

  • Seb
  • Sebby
  • Sebo
  • Sebsy
  • Bas
  • Assa

Middle names that go well with the name Sebastian:

  • Sebastian Cole
  • Sebastian James
  • Sebastian Joel
  • Sebastian Thomas

Overall my personal opinion on the name Sebastian is as I see it, a wonderful, under used baby name. I see it as being classy and cute and not too common. I beleive that it is a strong, masculine name with Christian links. I think that a child named Sebastian will be seen as sophisticated and not frowned upon for having what many people say a 'tacky, un-employable' name. My rating for the name Sebastian is a strong seven out of ten.

Introduction To Baby Names Official Blog.

Hello, starting this blog I wish to create a place of baby names. I will choose one girl name and one boy name every day and review it, including the meaning, pronunciation and a review plus what I personnally think of that name too. I will post weekly polls, asking you to choose your favourite name out of four options, and the name with the most votes at the end of the poll will get a special mentioning and review, and it will go onto the golden list. I'll also post a special review titled 'Golden Oldie Boy/Girl Name Of The Month'.I hope to create a virtual name book, exploring the different names of the world, also every month I'll choose a country or theme and for that month I will post weekly reviews on a name from that theme or country. I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I'm going to enjoy creating it.

Best Wishes Kayleigh x